Case Studies

The DDE programme has supported a huge number of entrepreneurial, ambitious and innovative students, researchers, academics and staff across the University of Edinburgh and beyond to connect their ideas to the world.

Our Impact

We interviewed a series of successful entrepreneurs who have taken part in the DDE programme in order to discover more about how we have helped students, researchers, academics and staff across the university and beyond develop their business ideas, improve their skills, build their networks and take the next steps on their journeys. You can also download our new brochure which showcases the DDE programme and its impact.

Our success stories

Select the type of case study you would like to see from the list below.

All programmes

Eye to the Future

Eye to to Future is developing an optometry software to assess retinal images


Looper is enabling sustainable product life cycle design

My SMASH Media

My SMASH Media - Cupid for the Creative Industries


Inicio.AI is helping people in debt with a conversational AI affordability tool.

Microplate DX

Diagnostic testing company Microplate Dx is reducing antibiotic resistance and empowering clinicians to provide precise care for patients.

Vahanomy and University of Edinburgh Business School

Vahanomy is working to decarbonise transport by accelerating the rollout of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles (EVs) using data.

Carcinotech - a retrospective

Carcinotech Ltd. is an innovative MedTech company. They specialise in manufacturing 3D printed tumours to provide a platform for rapid, ethical, sustainable, and accurate drug discovery and testing.

iLoF and the Usher Institute

iLoF and the Usher Institute | Screening for Alzheimer’s disease using AI technology


Quas is a plant-based non-alcoholic beverages containing vitamins and organic acids produced by live probiotic bacteria that benefit your health.


Making cervical screening less invasive

Prozymi Biolabs

Prozymi wants to make tasty, gluten-free bread

Carbon Glance

The platform for carbon pricing intelligence

VR Hive

The VR Hive is an EdTech which aims to improve engagement and outcomes for digital learning.


Rhizocore, a biotechnology company that has developed a way to support healthy forest ecosystems and biodiversity through tree-planting and fertilisation innovations.

Space Intelligence

Space Intelligence uses satellite data analytics, AI and forest ecology to supply information on the performance of ‘Nature Based Solutions’ to climate change.


Founded by four young engineers, BioLiberty is a health-tech startup using assistive robotics and rehabilitative technologies to empower people living with reduced mobility.


Italian company is a startup already making waves in the conversational AI sphere. is an AI robotics company with environmentalism at its core focusing on creating sustainable solutions.


VisionRF is a healthcare-tech startup that has developed a remote monitoring device that detects the respiration and heart rate of users remotely, without requiring wearable sensors or wires.


Reath tracks the lifecycle of reusable products with their award winning digital tracking technology.


Gigged.AI uses innovative artificial intelligence to bring freelance talent and forward-thinking clients together.


Omecu is a startup company that aims to democratise genetic data access and cut from days to minutes the time it takes to analyse millions of genetic records.


Carcinotech Ltd. is an innovative MedTech company. They specialise in manufacturing 3D printed tumours to provide a platform for rapid, ethical, sustainable, and accurate drug discovery and testing.


Crover is a robotics company who have developed the first ever technology for locomotion in bulk solids.


eMoodie is an app created as a research tool for the express purpose of studying mental health symptoms, emotions and health factors such as sleep in older children, teenagers and young adults.


Looper is a web based performance analysis software to help architects and sustainability specialists accelerate the design validation process.


NextChain is a hospitality-focused digital platform leveraging technology to connect produce buyers and sellers.


Smplicare is a digital healthcare platform that empowers independent ageing.

MyWay Digital Health

MyWay is a healthtech scaleup that is digitalising end-to-end diabetes management.

p2i Online Course

The p2i online course is a short online entrepreneurship course that runs twice a year and is designed to turn a postdoctoral researcher into an entrepreneur and jump start their career.

Mean Analytics

Mean Analytics unlocks the secrets of cells

Get in touch with us!

If interested in learning more about our programmes please send us an email and we will be happy to put you in touch with the right person to provide you with more information.

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